Coronavirus Updates

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As the Coronavirus continues to spread, please be assured that the safety and well being of our patients is our top priority. We want to ensure that you still have access to the care that you need during this uncertain time. In accordance with the CDC recommendations, we have taken steps to help lessen the risk of exposure while at our office.

What Idaho Foot & Ankle Center is currently doing:

  • We have modified our patient schedule to minimize the potential exposure between patients.
  • We have added surgical grade disinfectant to clean rooms after every patient.
  • We are taking other protective measures to minimize the potential spread of the infection.

What you can do to help:

  • If you, or anyone around you has a cough, sore throat or fever please call us to postpone your appointment. We also recommend that you call your primary care physician to discuss your symptoms.
  • At your appointment, if possible, please limit the number of people accompanying you to your visit.  
  • Please practice good hand hygiene including washing hands with soap and water on a regular basis.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed of any changes.

Thank you for taking these precautions. We will get through this together!



Dr. Kylin Kovac, Dr. Jed Erickson, and the Staff of Idaho Foot & Ankle Center.

phone: 208-529-8393