Our Foot and Ankle Services

Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction

Lapiplasty® is a new, patented treatment for bunion correction which corrects the root of the problem. Advanced technology secures the correction in place and allows patients to walk within days of surgery!

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The Lapiplasty® Procedure

A bunion is a bone deformity caused by an enlargement of the joint at the base and side of the big toe (metatarsophalangeal joint). Bunions form when the toe moves out of place. Over time, the movement of the big toe angles in toward the other toes. The growing enlargement or protuberance then causes more irritation or inflammation.

Bunions can also lead to other toe deformities, such as hammertoe. Bunions can be very painful, but relief is possible! For 87% of people with bunions, traditional surgery failed to treat the true source of the problem, a deformity caused by an unstable joint.

Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction Surgery

This surgery includes:

  • No Casting
  • Weight-bearing within days with 6 weeks walking in surgical boot
  • Back in tennis shoes at 6-8 weeks after surgery
  • Normal walking 6 to 8 weeks ahead of traditional surgery

Traditional Lapidus Surgery

Unlike Lapiplasty®, traditional Lapidus surgery has:

  • Casting, crutches, scooter usage
  • Non-weight bearing
  • Walking in surgical boot at 6 to 8 weeks after surgery
  • Back in tennis shoes at 12 to 16 weeks after surgery
  • Ladpidus surgery is 6 to 8 weeks behind Lapiplasty correction

Fix the Root Cause!

Idaho Foot and Ankle Center is now offering an innovative procedure called Lapiplasty®, which is designed to permanently secure the root cause of your bunion.

Lapiplasty can help you get on the path to recovery quicker than with traditional bunion surgeries. Traditional osteotomy (2D surgery) has been associated with a high rate of recurrence. Lapiplasty patients can be less likely to have their bunion return.

Lapiplasty FAQ

Our Customers Frequently Ask

How long does it take to recover from a Lapiplasty Procedure?
Can I play sports after the Lapiplasty Procedure?
Can the Lapiplasty Procedure be performed as an outpatient procedure & how long does it last?
Can I wear fashionable shoes again?
Can the Lapiplasty Procedure be performed on someone who has previously had traditional surgery?
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