January 23, 2020
Winter sports are in full swing!
Winter sports are a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get exercise even when the weather is cold. If you suffer an injury, contact Idaho Foot and Ankle Center as soon as possible.
January 23, 2020
Winter sports are a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get exercise even when the weather is cold. If you suffer an injury, contact Idaho Foot and Ankle Center as soon as possible.
February 8, 2019
To effectively remove the wart, it is imperative that the patient follows the instructions given by their Foot and Ankle Surgeon . If all the medication and home care that is prescribed is not completed, the warts can return and require more treatment.
January 4, 2019
If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, contact Dr. Kylin Kovac at Idaho Foot and Ankle Center. When your feet ache, this pain can keep you away from living your life like you would want. With proper diagnosis and treatment, we can treat most foot and ankle problems.
December 7, 2018
The holidays are coming fast, and the snow seems like it is here to stay. Many are excited for all of the fun things the snow brings with it whether it’s skiing, sledding, or just building a snowman! Unfortunately, when the temperatures turn cold and the snow falls, it brings with it an increased risk for foot or ankle injuries .
November 16, 2018
Even with preventive care and prompt treatment of infection and complications, there are instances when amputation is necessary to remove infected tissue, save a limb, or even save a life.
November 8, 2018
The symptoms of gout and the inflammatory process usually resolve in three to ten days with treatment. If gout symptoms continue despite the initial treatment, or if repeated attacks occur, you may need to be on a maintenance treatment that may involve daily medication.