October 23, 2023
Hiking Tips for Happy Feet
Here are some essential things you can do to help you avoid foot and ankle problems such as heel pain, ankle sprains, fractures, and Achilles tendon injuries when hiking or hunting in the mountains!
October 23, 2023
Here are some essential things you can do to help you avoid foot and ankle problems such as heel pain, ankle sprains, fractures, and Achilles tendon injuries when hiking or hunting in the mountains!
September 13, 2023
September is fall prevention month, we want to help with fall prevention in seniors and provide practical tips and strategies to keep them safe.
August 25, 2023
We want to share with you the types, causes, and treatment of foot and ankle injuries in youth sports, and how you can be proactive in preventing them in your young athletes!
July 29, 2023
Finding the right shoes for your child is essential for their foot health and overall comfort. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the shoe shopping journey with ease.
June 14, 2023
Most people want their feet to look good, especially during the sandal wearing summer months! By following these pedicure pointers, you can help ensure that your pedicure will leave your feet feeling good and looking great!
May 18, 2023
Early detection is vital with malignant melanoma. By incorporating foot care into our overall sun safety practices, we can reduce the risk of foot melanoma and promote early detection, ultimately leading to better outcomes.