Is it Time for You to Call a Podiatrist?

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Podiatrists are doctors and surgeons highly trained in foot and ankle conditions. Many people have never been to a Podiatrist. If you are suffering with foot or ankle pain or other conditions, it may be time to add a Podiatrist to your health care team! Call Dr. Kylin Kovac if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Persistent pain in your feet or ankles
  • Noticeable changes to your nails or skin
  • Diabetes or other diseases that affect your feet
  • Thicker toenails that may be painful
  • Numbness, burning, or tingling in your feet
  • Skin that is cracking, scaling, bleeding, or peeling severely
  • Painful Bunions
  • Ingrown toenails that are red, sore, infected, or recurring
  • Persistent Athlete’s Foot
  • Warts

Dr. Kovac is committed to improving your foot and ankle health concerns through both conservative and surgical methods.

Contact Dr. Kovac for an appointment, he is highly qualified and ready to get you back on your feet! Idaho Foot and Ankle Center208-529-8393