Looking to Get in Shape in 2021?

Looking to Get in Shape in 2021?

Every New Year, making resolutions is usually on most of our minds. Especially in 2021, it seems we are all looking for what can make this year be better than the last one!  According to surveys, some of the top resolutions for this year are get out of debt, travel...
Happy Feet, Happy Holidays!

Happy Feet, Happy Holidays!

The holiday season is here! Even though holiday plans might look different this year, many are still planning to shop, bake, and deliver gifts all season long. Standing on your feet for longer periods of time can cause pain, swelling, and other issues. The American...
Leaves are Falling all Around!

Leaves are Falling all Around!

The autumn leaves turning colors can be a beautiful sight that everyone looks forward to each year. However, after the leaves begin falling on the lawn, it is not such a welcome sight! Leaves falling all around can create a lot of extra yard work, and not always in...