Bye Bye Bunions!

Bye Bye Bunions!

Sandal season is in full swing, but having a bunion can be painful, bothersome, and even embarrassing! It is estimated that more than 3 million Americans are diagnosed with bunions every year, but many do not seek treatment. This was the case with Nancy. She struggled...
Step it Up Safely this Summer!

Step it Up Safely this Summer!

School is finally out for the summer for most of us! Summer is a great time for playing sports, swimming, and soaking up the sun on a sandy beach. However, all of these activities can put feet more at risk for injuries, especially in children. There are some ways that...
Are you Ready for a Pedi?

Are you Ready for a Pedi?

The sun is finally shining, which means sandal season is here! Most of us have had our feet inside socks and shoes or boots all winter long. Are your feet sandal ready?! Pedicures are a a popular way for many to treat their feet and get them in tip top shape. However,...